The Weekly Bookmark June 10, 1996 - Vol 2, No. 29 __________________________________________________________ In This Issue On My End - Note from the Editor Update - News from Around the Web Out There - Places to Visit Weekly Bookmark Information Meet The Staff - Contact Info __________________________________________________________ On My End Matt Alberts We're back to normal after I have had an excellent week finishing things off at work. Bad news however, there will be no issue on Friday. I will be at the Internet Expo in Chicago most of the day. Have fun with these huge issues. __________________________________________________________ Supporters Global Computing __________________________________________________________ Update - News from Around the Web Sunday, June 09, 1996 NBC Prepares News for '90s, and Beyond - Chicago Tribune Software Spotlight: Instant Memos - Chicago Tribune Saturday, June 08, 1996 Giving Parents Control of Web Access - New York Times A Web's-Eye View of the 'Father of Shareware' - New York Times The Dirty Truth About Net Millionaires - New York Times 0608hyper.html Friday, June 07, 1996 Internet Q&A: Home Pages for Kids and Netscape Without Dialing - New York Times Updating Your Web Site With a Touch-Tone Phone - New York Times "White power" group banned - c|net,16,1513,00.html RICO mobster law may target pirates - c|net,16,1512,00.html S. Korea bans Web site across border - c|net,16,1510,00.html Thursday, June 06, 1996 Tablature Erasa: Guitar Archive Closed by Lawyers - New York Times 0606mirapaul.html As CDA ruling looms, Netizens prepare - c|net,16,1506,00.html Demystifying Java - Yahoo/Reuters livewire_1.html The Internet is a waste of time for schools - c|net %2Fglobe%2Fvurdy%2F158%2Flet%2F001 Wednesday, June 05, 1996 Voluntary Rules Proposed to Help Insure Privacy for Internet Users - New York Times Congress Urged To Ban Computer-Made Child Porn - Yahoo/Reuters porn_1.html __________________________________________________________ Out There Computers and Technology ZD Net Community Center The ZD Net Community Center is the gathering place for live chats and discussions all about computing. Talk back to the editors and reviewers and let them know what you're thoughts and experiences are. It's a great place to have your voice heard and get some feedback from those in the know. This site can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: Michael Katz Education Spanish Language Schools in the Americas Cultural and gastronomical immersion are invaluable tools in learning Spanish, and I recommend traveling south to learn the language. There are wonderful schools in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Peru. This directory has just been updated - and if anyone has a school to recommend, let me know! schoolist.html This site can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: Ron Mader Focusing on Words An essential element in anyone's education is the understanding of a great number of words. Focusing on Words ( challenges users with a vocabulary program which will provide a greater understanding of words by presenting thematic-etymological materials and fascinating word histories based primarily on the many Latin and Greek elements used in English. Not only is information (definitions) provided, but each exercise, quiz, and test can be scored (graded) on-line within one or two minutes. In addition to the vocabulary studies, there is an extensive presentation of time systems (calendar histories). This is the serious distance-learner's opportunity to expand his/her vocabulary skills by going to the web site at for this free course delivered by Focusing on Words. This site is best viewed with Netscape 2.0 or higher. Submitted By: John G. Robertson Entertainment A VERY BRADY SEQUEL Get to know the Brady Bunch up close and personal. Read the Brady Quote Of The Day. Sneak a peek at their personal kitchen bulletin board notes to each other. Check out Marcia's far-out bikini. Brady-ize your own computer. Best of all, find out about their totally groovy new movie, A VERY BRADY SEQUEL, coming this July from Paramount Pictures. It's the world's only official Brady Bunch website. This site is friendly to all browsers. Submitted By: John Paukulis The Wild, Wacky, Convoluted, World, of Marty Z, Senior Citizen This site is unique in that one gets to study the mind of one human being in a format that is autobiographical and alive with short peeks into the realm of the theatre of the Absurd. Your move Jocko This site can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: Martin S. Zucker The Pseudo Online Network The Pseudo Online Network is the hottest of audio-brodacasting. Housed as an online network, thirty orginally-produced programs are netcasted live over the Internet. This is not a rebroadcast of radio or the same old static web-based content. Pseudo breeds diversity and a fresh selection with shows ranging from hip hop to soul, slap stick to religious satire, cyber culture to race-related issues, and the obsurd to the most progressive of issues. This site is viewable by any browser. Submitted By: Matt Liszt The Land of Chaos The Land of Chaos is my personal home page. It has info about the mailing lists I own and links to various sites. Some of the links are to a variety of vampyre/horror pages; others deal with issues concerning domestic violence. This site can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: DJ Lowery Nightstalkers Nightstalkers Home Page is full of links to the dark side. There is information about subscribing to Nightstalkers mailing list, and short writings from some of our members. On this page you'll find many links to sites with info about anything from magic, vampyres and wicca to fiction and fact about related topics. This site can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: DJ Lowery Frank Severa's Useful URLs Each week I select 5 or 6 Web sites and review them. My page is updated each Sunday. The sites will vary in content and are selected to offer entertainment to a cross section of people. The sites selected are always good for the whole family to enjoy. Along with the 5 or 6 weekly selected sites, there are 9 other sections which have locations added to them. They are Past Weeks Top Picks, Education, Internet and HLML Related, Mac Related, Fun Spots, Internet and Macintosh User Groups, Macintosh Related. This site is best viewed with Netscape 2.0 or higher. Submitted By: Frank Severa Internet and the WWW Michael's WebLinks Links to hundreds of sites sorted alphabetically by category. Categories include Business, Companies, Entertainment, Environment, Games, Photography, Reference, Software, Searching the Net, WWW Publishing, etc. This site is best viewed with Netscape 1.1 or higher. Submitted By: Michael Campbell Ambit - The Web Waystation Ambit - The Web Waystation is the product of one man but looks like a commercial site. It is designed for novices and experienced Web travelers alike. Ambit has a unique Live NASA Cams & Displays page which is visited by more than 15,000 each month. Ambit also offers a science fiction TV program guide, for broadcast, cable, and pay-per-view channels, that is updated weekly for all science fiction fans. Ambit has a Gazette that includes WeatherWatch, a display of current national weather & forecast maps, as well as news, comics and more. Ambit is an extensive site with well-organized pages that link to reference sites, interesting & totally useless sites. And it IS a Waystation where you can search popular engines directly, find direct download links to basic and advanced Internet software, Find links to FIFTY computer electronic magazines. Discover Windows 95 resources and technical assistance and MUCH MORE! The graphics and background MIDI music alone make a trip to Ambit worthwhile. It is a site that could easily become your "Home Page" when you start your browser. This site is best viewed with Netscape 2.0 or higher. Submitted By: Ira Brickman News Services Reference.COM Content Access to more than 13,000 newsgroups and a rapidly growing number of publicly-accessible mailing lists (soon to exceed 1,000). Advanced Search Capabilities Powerful filtering: Interactively refine your search using message header fields such as author, organization, conversational thread, newsgroup / e-mail list & more! Stored queries: Automatically re-runs your favorite queries and returns only the results since the last search. A real time saver. Query Templates Identifying and entering the right newsgroups and mailing lists to search can be tedious. We've formulated a few query templates which pre-select the right newsgroups and lists for a particular topic. Just complete the rest of the form and submit your query! Web and E-mail Accessible Submit queries and receive results via e-mail or at the Reference.COM web site. http://WWW.Reference.COM/ This site can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: Jeff Wilkins Recreation and Sports The Virtual Kitchen The Virtual Kitchen focuses on the joy of cooking for yourself, family and friends on every occasion. Our sections in the VK cover everything on cooking, eating and drinking. Ask chef Marcel "Death by Chocolate" Desaulniers your questions on cooking in "Ask Marcel"; in "Drinks" learn about wine and winemaking in "Joie de Vin", and search 300 recipes from Mr. Boston Bartender's and Party Guide; search our "Recipe File" database for wonderful recipes from around the world; cookbook and food website reviews are in the "Kitchen Bookshelf"; and "Real Food" is where expert home cooks share ideas and swap recipes on a special message board. Enjoy yourself and be sure to leave us a note on "Dish!" The Virtual Kitchen's bulletin board. This site did not provide browser information. Submitted By: ? Papua New Guinea and Australia Dive Travel Catalogue Comprehensive information on dive boats and resorts in Papua New Guinea and the Great Barrier Reef Schedules, Prices, Photographs, Trip Description and location information. Also: Information for Handicapped Divers, Charter opportunities, Nitrox on the Barrier Reef and lot's of special offers! This site is best viewed with Netscape 2.0 or higher. Submitted By: Dirk Werner-Lutrop Regional Information The Unofficial Web Site On Jamaica The Unofficial Web Site On Jamaica takes a humorous but real look at Jamaica and Jamaican Culture. The site includes Jamaican recipes, "patois" sound clips, and various guides on "How to talk Jamaican Patois," "How to be a Jamaican Tourist," and "How to be Jamaican in a foreign counrty." This site did not provide the browser information Submitted By: X Murphy Honk Kong web site This site did not supply the browser information. Submitted By: Ralph H Pepper Roanoke Valley of Virginia This location has been established to provide a welcome to the Roanoke Valley. Centered in Southwest Virginia, along I-81, the Valley offers opportunities for tourism, industrial development, retirement and just general good living. A White Page listing is provided free to all businesses and services around the Roanoke Valley. It is hope that this will provide a unity to the many servers providing service to the Roanoke Valley. This site did not supply the browser information. Submitted By: Don Thorne Science and Industry Mercator's World Mercator's World is the magazine for map lovers and map enthusiasts. This site is best viewed with Netscape 1.1 or higher. Submitted By: Kim Welsh Society and Culture Survival Adult Abuse, Inc. Survival Adult Abuse, Inc. web page contains information about Survival and links to various sites concerning domestic violence and related topics. It also includes a link to the Survival Mailing List where these topics are discussed in a safe, abuse-free environment. This site can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: DJ Lowery _________________________________________________________________ Weekly Bookmark Information The Weekly Bookmark Hompage: Submit a Site: The WB - Subscribe/Unsubscribe via e-mail: Include ONLY the following in the BODY Subscribe WeeklyB or Unsubscribe WeeklyB. The WB+ - Subscribe/Unsubscribe via e-mail: Include ONLY the following in the BODY Subscribe WeeklyB-Plus or Unsubscribe WeeklyB-Plus. _________________________________________________________________ Meet The Staff Editor - Matt Alberts Webmaster - Matt Alberts Writer - Marian Hank Want to help? Read our Help Wanted section. _________________________________________________________________ (C) Copyright 1996 by Matt Alberts - All Rights Reserved Comments? Ideas? Send mail to